sample works cited
In your final project
- Unbiased Question
To what extent should public officials censor their public comments?
- Highlight your Thesis
Ex: Public statements from leading officials, such as The president, congress, and the judiciary branch need to amend their opinions and comments to be culturally sensitive and inclusive of all groups.
- Highlight your claims (at least 2)
Political officials should limit their public comments to language that is inclusive to all groups regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, speech.
- Highlight your counterclaims (at least 2)
While it is true that some groups may pose threats to other individuals or groups in their words or actions, public officials should focus on the act rather than attacking the individual or group responsible.
- Include a works cited list
Organizing your project
Thesis statements
1. Name your focus topicEXAMPLE: The Beverly Hill’s Diet
2. Ask a question (make sure it’s not obvious!) about your focused topic
EXAMPLE: Is the Beverly Hill’s Diet advisable for the typical college student?
3. Revise the question into a declarative statement
EXAMPLE: The Beverly Hills Diet is inadvisable for the typical college student.
4. Add a group of words summarizing your key ideas
EXAMPLE: Because it is inconvenient, unhealthy, and provide only temporary weight loss.
5. Recognize the opposition
EXAMPLE: Although it does provide quick weight loss.
6. Call upon editing to put it all together
EXAMPLE: Although it does provide quick weight loss, the Beverly Hills Diet is inadvisable for the typical college student because it is inconvenient, unhealthy, and provides only temporary weight loss.
Courtesy the Odegaard Writing & Research Center Adapted from
1. After looking at the posters (a snapshot of people's views of conformity and non-conformity) - take this survey
What issues are you concerned about? (survey in class)
2. Sample Essay Question on Conformity
Please take Notes on each sources A - G (in class)
- what is the claim - what is the author suggesting / arguing
- and counterclaim - what might someone say against this argument
- is the source pro - conformity? pro - individuality? or neutral
3. Responses Sample Essay Responses on Conformity
1. What is the difference between conformity, compliance, and obedience? (In class)
2. What are values? Why are they important? What are different types of values? (In class)
3. Take the personal values assessment. Record / summarize your results (Extra Credit!!!!)
- Go back to your posters label each example with a category. Education, Fashion, Politics, Social Behavior.
2 Write your claim - what do you believe: Dying your hair is an acceptable form of non-conformity.
Giving to goodwill / Salvation army is an acceptable form of compliance because it is the minimal form of charity.
Do your examples require conformity, compliance, and obedience. Write one of these labels next to each one.
3. What values are important for you to protect or increase in your example (ex: control, freedom of speech, privacy, respect, generosity)
Example: Legal - Obeying Traffic laws - compliance - value: safety - 8 necessary
Example: Fashion - dressing in the latest fashion trend - conformity - value: popularity
Find 2 examples on different posters. Do you agree with where the writers scaled this example? Why or why not?
Write your response on a sticky note and sign your name.
Sample Responses:
I agree with your position that ____________ because _______. I also find _______ important.
I agree with your position about complying with traffic laws. I also find safety important, but I don't think we need as many traffic laws as we have since it encourages people to break the laws. I value simplicity.
I disagree with your position that ___________ is __________ because _________. In my opinion, I view it as ___________________.
I disagree that following the same trend is acceptable because it doesn't encourage people to think for themselves. I value originality.
Tuesday's assignment: Paragraph Prompt on benefits of conformity & non - conformity - due Thursday 11 / 9
Today, you will be note taking with a partner. Each person will take notes on all the questions, but you might split up the
Title: Conformity - Effects of Conformity Notes due 11 / 8
1. What is the Bystander Effect? Why is it complicated?
2. Who is Kitty Genovese and why is the name famous? What facts in the case have been reconsidered?
3. When are people most likely to help? Statistics?
4. Explain the Palo Alto Suicides and why they happened ?
5. What are the Pros and Cons of Conformity?
Article / Video Resources
The Bystander Effect Definition
The Bystander Effect (video scenario) (3.00)
The Burger King social experiment on bullying (funny & scary)
The Burger King social experiment on bullying (funny & scary)
The Bystander Effect is complicated (Ted Talk 16.00) this one has statistics about 3 minutes in
Good samaritan social experiment video (social experiment)
Kitty Genovese Murder
Kitty Genovese Murder
Witness to Kitty Genovese murder
Kitty Genovese murder retold (some graphic content)
Bystander Effect in 5 year olds
The Palo Alto Suicides - The Pressure of Societal Expectations to conform